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ARIJ Prize

3 posts

News & Analysis

ARIJ19: Amid Risks and Attacks, A Record Gathering of Arab Investigative Journalists

Hundreds of Arab and international investigative journalists met in Amman from November 22 to November 24 for the ARIJ19 conference, where they discussed “the role of media in a radicalized world” – a global challenge amidst an explosion of digital tools and widespread online attacks against journalists.

Help Support GIJN and Global Muckraking

The Global Investigative Journalism Network exists to support the world’s truth tellers and provide them with the training, strategies, and networks that help them hold the powerful accountable and give voice to those who otherwise have none. Your support today can help us meet the tremendous demand for these capacity-building efforts in the months to come.

News & Analysis

2016 ARIJ Prize Winners Showcase Courageous Work under Pressure

Five Arab journalists who exposed torture and injustice in their societies won the 2016 ARIJ Prizes at the end of the 9th Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ) forum during a gala dinner on Dec 3. The awardees shone a spotlight on important stories and tackled them with courage and dedication, taking care to highlight the depth of human feelings in their stories.