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8 posts

News & Analysis

Annual Transparency Index Links Corruption with Increased Violence Globally

GIJN’s Document of the Day: The 2022 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) from Transparency International concludes that 95% of countries have made little to no progress fighting corruption since 2017, and notes the link between corruption and increased violence around the world.

News & Analysis

Document of the Day: US Global Anti-Corruption Plan Spotlights Value of Investigative Journalism

The Biden White House spotlighted its support for investigative journalism as part of a new strategy for fighting corruption around the world. To strengthen the investigative capacity of journalists, it is funding the USAID’s PROSAFE project, helping to “create a regional clearinghouse for investigative journalism that provides a publishing outlet for stories too dangerous to be published with an individual byline, and providing an umbrella organization for security, mentoring, and collaboration among journalists.”

News & Analysis

Arson Attack on Ukraine’s Rivne Investigative Center

An arsonist attempted to burn down the Rivne Investigative Reporting Agency in western Ukraine on Thursday evening, according to staff members and associates. An unknown attacker entered the newsroom’s first floor office, doused it with a flammable liquid and set it ablaze. Fortunately, no injuries have been reported.

News & Analysis

Stunned Open Government Community Searches for Solutions

December might be when thoughts turn to the holidays, but this year it’s also when anti-corruption activists and advocates for transparency and accountability came together at two major international events: the 17th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) and the 2016 Open Government Partnership summit.