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AI-powered journalism

2 posts
AIJC 2022 logo

Largest-Ever African Investigative Journalism Conference Digs Into New Tools, Using AI, and World-Class Exposés

The largest-ever African Investigative Journalism Conference (#AIJC2022) drew 375 attendees from 51 countries to Africa’s premier muckraker gathering. The conference looked into how AI is driving a “third wave of journalism,” which new tools and resources are available to watchdog reporters, and showcased some of the world-class exposés being produced on the continent.

Data Journalism

Data Journalism Top 10: Rise of Omicron, Africa’s Growing Cities, Tech’s Glass Ceiling, and Honeybees Self-Quarantining

Our weekly analysis of the most popular data journalism stories on Twitter highlights a story by Spanish newspaper El País analyzing early data on the omicron variant, plus stories on fake news and disinformation in Thailand, climate data, and a story on how artificial intelligence can judge your music taste.