Your Guide to GIJC13
Ready for Rio? We’ve got more than 800 journalists from 75 countries descending on Rio de Janeiro in three weeks — for the 8th Global Investigative Journalism Conference. Want to join us? There’s still plenty of room, and registration is open.
You can register here.
And here’s a link to the conference website.
On the site you’ll find the program for the big event, packed with nearly 150 panels, workshops, and special events. Speakers include Pulitzer Prize winners, top data journalism specialists, security experts, and reporters from the front lines in some of the toughest, most corrupt spots in the world. Among the features:
- Be sure to sign up with Sched, our conference app, where you can create a personal agenda and post your bio — both on desktop and mobile platforms.
- Get information on visas and getting into Brazil.
- Use our Networking directory to connect with the dozens of remarkable groups, projects, and people at GIJC13.
- Check the Getting Around section, with tips on clubs, restaurants, touring, transport, security — even what electrical adapters and clothing to bring.
- Collaboration workshops will bring together great journalists from around the world to work on projects together.
- Special events include our awards ceremony at the beautiful Theatro Municipal, a big Saturday night cocktail reception, a documentary exhibition, and a rockin’ blues party played by GIJN’s own band.
Still got questions? Check out the FAQs on the conference site. And if you’re still stumped, try us at We’ll see you in Rio!