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Updated GIJN Databases (Human Rights, Sports, Environmental Data, Military/Conflict)
Online research and database resources can be a critical part of investigative journalism, particularly in transnational collaboration projects. To ensure watchdog journalists have the most complete, up-to-date information, GIJN has reviewed, revised, and updated its topic-specific databases. The partial list of databases is the second of several batched releases to ensure our resource listings are fully current. (Our first database update batch — on Migration, Business and Trade, Food and Agriculture, Health and Medicine — is already published.)
This database is maintained by the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) and is one of many resources available at our Resource Center.
Resources on Human Rights — This database contains links to United Nations organizations and other international NGOs as well as academic and scientific databases tracking human rights metrics and documenting violations.
Resources on Sports — In addition to a list of the major sports organizations around the world, this resource includes resources on anti-drug and doping agencies, the Olympics and Paralympics, sports medicine, and databases on the global sports business market.
Resources on Environmental Data — Global organizations monitoring and measuring natural resources as well as climate and atmospheric data are included. Also, there are reports, scorecards, and expert sources from conservation nonprofits and grassroots environmental groups, as well as legal, scientific, and journalistic organizations.
Resources on Military and Conflict — A number of nonprofit and academic-based research groups are featured here, with emphases on global sanctions, the weapons trade, disarmament, and military expenditures across countries. Also, there are governmental and regional publications and factsheets on the defense industry and security policy.