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Commercial Revenue: Subscription/Paywalls

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7 ways COVID has impacted subscription strategies

How to build a good reader revenue model: lessons from Spain and the UK

“Not only can membership save journalism, but will do so by helping it evolve”: Why publishers are looking beyond subscriptions

Why the subscription model may not work for you

How The Economist has tripled the number of subscribers driven by LinkedIn

How Today’s News Publishers Can Use Data, Best Practices, And Test-And-Learn Tactics To Build Better Pay-Meters

Tighten up that paywall! (And some other lessons from a study of 500 newspaper publishers)

How Newsrooms Can Drive Subscriber Engagement and Retention Lens Fest

Chartbeat spent over 400 hours analyzing subscriptions—here’s what we’ve found Digital Content Next

Attention, investment in digital subscriptions results in 2000% growth International News Media Association

‘Pay gates’ perform better than paywalls, Swiss news publisher proves What’s New in Publishing

Are you developing your paywall strategy for acquisition or retention? Twipe

How Neue Zürcher Zeitung increased its conversion rate up to five times with dynamic ‘paygates’

The “single most effective way” to increase subscriptions, according to Google What’s New in Publishing

What are the keys to an effective subscription offer page? American Press Institute

“Ladders of engagement” – strategies for gaining new subscribers What’s New in Publishing

How to improve subscription registration and payment forms American Press Institute

Beyond email: Other tactics to drive users to subscription offers American Press Institute

Here’s a simple way to figure out which of your readers are most likely to subscribe Nieman

What it takes to shift a news organization to reader revenue American Press Institute A brief guide to the technical and strategic challenges that arise when building a subscription program.

How Publishers Can Boost Revenue With A Subscription Box, Part 3 Publishing Executive

Facebook claims subscription test results are ‘promising’ so far, though still small Digiday

The reader-revenue revolution is a reality

How Media Paywalls Work in Authoritarian Countries

3 Tips for Evaluating Paywall Solutions

Paths to Subscription: Why recent subscribers chose to pay for news

How subscription publishers are trying to make paying for content a habit for young people

Reporters, once set against paywalls, have warmed to them

Whoops, the paywall just reset: Here are some of the nasty bumps your paid-content setup can hit

The 3 types of news subscribers: Why they pay and how to convert them

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