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Human Trafficking

10 posts

Resource Video

Investigating Conflict-Related Sexual Violence

Sexual violence is a feature of conflict and war. Its impact is felt by individuals, but also by families and communities, and its destructive effects persist for generations. Reporting criminal acts of any sort in an active conflict is difficult enough; documenting and reporting sexual violence during a conflict poses even more challenges. In this […]

Chapter Guide Resource

Introduction: GIJN Guide to Reporting on Migration in the Gulf Arab Countries

INTRODUCTION More than 23 million migrant workers live in the six Middle Eastern countries that make up the political and economic alliance known as the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC): Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman. Unfortunately, abuse of these workers is widespread, mostly due to the legal framework of the kafala […]

Chapter Guide Resource

Organized Crime Chapter 5 – Human Trafficking

This chapter was written by Martha Mendoza, a Pulitzer prize-winning Associated Press reporter. She currently writes breaking news, enterprise, and investigative stories from Silicon Valley, in California. She was part of a team that exposed forced labor in the fishing industry in Southeast Asia in 2015, an exposé which helped to free 2,000 slaves. Human trafficking […]


Investigating Human Trafficking, an Evil Hidden in Plain Sight

Human trafficking is a persistent and pervasive crime around the world, and a critical and impactful area for journalists to investigate. In this GIJN Original, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Martha Mendoza gives her tips for digging into the subject.


10 Case Studies in Human Trafficking

Full guide here. العربية Below we profile 10 stories of trafficking and forced labor common throughout the countries in the Gulf Cooperation Council region, which includes the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman. Domestic Workers: Trafficking and Unscrupulous Recruitment Indian Women Duped by Recruiters. Indian women are regularly trafficked through the United Arab […]

Guide Resource

Human Trafficking and Slavery: A Guide to Resource Materials

Researchers estimate 40 million people exist in some form of slavery today, ranging from debt bondage and false contracts to sex trafficking, forced marriage and child labor. To help journalists cover human trafficking and slavery, GIJN has created this collection of resources including documents and reports, places to find expertise and advice on best practices in reporting and investigation.