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3 posts

Reporting Tools & Tips

Digging Up Hidden Data with the Web Inspector

Many reporters never notice the “inspect element” option below the “copy” and save-as” functions in the right-click menu on any webpage related to their investigation. But it turns out that this little-used web inspector tool can dig up a wealth of hidden information from a site’s source code, reveal the raw data behind graphics, and download images and videos that supposedly cannot be saved.

GIJN Webinar – Larger Audiences, More Engagement, and Bigger Impact: How Journalists Can Better Market Investigative Stories

This webinar will provide strategies and tips to engage and build audiences. It features a digital media advisor with three decades of experience in marketing and audience engagement, an expert on maximizing audiences via social media, and the CEO of a successful investigative outlet with long experience in the issues. It will focus on practical ways to ensure basic strategies and tools are in place to maximize engagement.