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111 posts

Resource Tipsheet

5 Journalism Tips from Edwy Plenel

After the opening, plenary session of GIJC21, Mediapart editor and French journalist icon Edwy Plenel spoke with GIJN’s French editor, Marthe Rubio, to offer five, high-level tips for running a successful investigative news outlet.

Fundraising Sustainability Media

News & Analysis Sustainability

How a US Newspaper Raised $1 Million to Fund Investigations

In this excerpt, the executive editor of a regional US news outlet reveals the tactics that worked — and didn’t work — in their innovative campaign to raise $1 million to fund investigations. Among the key tips that emerged: one-on-one meetings, direct reach-outs, and published “what it cost” boxes are effective, and framing the pitch around benefits for the community, rather than the outlet, causes donors to dig deeper.

Programas membresías latam

News & Analysis Sustainability

How Mission-Driven News Sites Are Betting on Reader Revenue in Latin America

For digital-first news outlets in Latin America, lessons learned from reader-funding experiments are being transformed into highly tailored membership programs that offer a chance at a more sustainable future. Independent, mission-driven or subject-specific news sites, in particular, are leading the way, converting close relationships with audiences into funding through editorially-linked, labor-intensive initiatives.

Advisory Launch Image


GIJN Selects Three Media Organizations for Watchdog Capacity-Building

The Global Investigative Journalism Network is delighted to announce the selection of three Asian media organizations as participants in our new Investigative Journalism Assessment Program (IJ-MAP): The Caravan magazine in India, the KBR radio network in Indonesia; and the nonprofit Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism.

press conference, report, journalism

News & Analysis

What Governments Can Do to Preserve the Press: A New Deal for Journalism

A recent report published by the Forum on Information & Democracy’s Working Group on the Sustainability of Journalism says the journalism industry is experiencing a “potential extinction event” as the certainties (chiefly the advertising-supported model) under which journalism operated for 40 to 50 years continues to fall away.

News & Analysis

From Traditional Journalism to Sustainable Journalism

In this chapter for a new book on the role of civil society and journalism in sub-Saharan Africa, the head of policy for Sweden’s Fojo Media Institute argues that sustainable societies require a kind of journalism that addresses the sustainability challenges facing the planet.

Member Profiles

The Nonprofit News Site Taking on Agribusiness in the US Heartland

From an investigation into a COVID-19 outbreak in the meatpacking industry to exposes on migrant worker housing, the Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting has made reporting of agribusiness through in-depth research, data analysis, and collaboration their core mission. This story tells how this small nonprofit has gone from a “one-man shop” to become a reliable source of watchdog reporting on an industry mostly discussed in daily business stories and trade magazines.