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4 posts

News & Analysis

July in Africa: Broken Hearts and Stifled Words

As we prepare to gather in Johannesburg for #GIJC17, it’s worth noting the many challenges African journalists face. From South Africa to Somalia, July was a particularly ominous month for free expression on the continent.

News & Analysis

Journalism After Snowden: The Growing Digital Threat

Journalists can no longer afford to ignore the growing threats of targeted surveillance and digital attacks, writes Citizen Lab’s Ron Deibert in the recently released book “Journalism After Snowden: The Future of the Free Press in the Surveillance State.”


Tracking a Mysterious Missile Launcher Inside an Information War

Egyptian traffic cops found a mobile launcher lying in a piece of pile near the airport of Cairo. The story was quickly dismissed by Egyptian media. But others believed it. In this detective & research adventure recorded by web research specialist Henk van Ess, you’ll learn how to find the truth midst of an information war.

GIJN Welcomes Seven New Members from Six Countries

Seven journalism organizations from six countries are the latest groups to join the Global Investigative Journalism Network. This increases GIJN’s membership to a record 114 organizations in 53 countries. Please join us in welcoming our newest members!