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GIJN Board

2 posts

GIJN Board Members Elected – Welcome to Jung, Nazakat

The results from last week’s election of GIJN board candidates are in: electronic voting by GIJN members elected two new board members: Syed Nazakat, representing Asia/Pacific, and Eva Jung, representing Europe. In all, seven seats were up for election, each for a two-year term. Five other board members were re-elected: Anton Harber (Wits University Investigative Journalism Programme), Carlos Eduardo Huertas (Connectas), Oleg Khomenok (Internews), Bruce Shapiro (Dart Center), and Margo Smit (VVOJ).

Election of GIJN Board — 2016

This June, the membership of the Global Investigative Journalism Network will vote to elect members of the GIJN Board of Directors. The board consists of 15 members. Of these, seven seats are now up for election — all for a period of two years.