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digital journalism

25 posts

Reporting Tools & Tips

Audience Development Essentials for Journalists

Likes in your social network, praises from friends or numbers of clicks aren’t enough to drive an audience development strategy. Here’s what every independent news media organization needs to know about creating expertise in audience development that will help you measure and maximize your reach.


How To Create a Data Journalism Team

You don’t need the resources of The New York Times to create a data journalism team in your newsroom. But you do need to think out the structure. Here are 10 things you should consider if you are considering setting up your own team.

News & Analysis

Why Digital Journalism’s Next Era May Be Our Most Exciting Yet

It has only been 26 years since the world’s first website and server went live. Since then, digital journalism has evolved quickly through the portal era, the search era, and the social era. At present, digital journalism has entered a new phase — the Stories as a Service (SaaS) era — where journalism is paid for by readers, for readers, which will likely result in quality journalism, trustworthiness, and the building of new communities.

News & Analysis

The Future of Media Is Mobile

After years of predictions that this year would be the year of mobile, finally it has arrived. So here are some numbers that should prompt strategizing and action by digital media publishers. What small and large digital publishers ought to learn from these figures is that the public is moving so quickly to mobile consumption of news and social sharing that they need to take action.