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4 posts

Case Studies Methodology News & Analysis

Q & A with OCCRP’s Czech Reporter Pavla Holcová

Pavla Holcová is an investigative journalist and founder of the Czech Centre for Investigative Journalism, an independent outlet that does cross-border investigations on organized crime and its impact on the Czech Republic (Czechia) and Slovakia.


A Global Guide to Investigative Journalism Organizations

Need to contact a journalist abroad for a story? Seeking a contact in a remote part of the world? Here are nonprofit organizations worldwide that work in support of investigative journalism, listed by region. It’s a diverse group that includes nonprofit newsrooms, online publishers, professional associations, NGOs, training institutes, and academic centers in nearly 50 countries.

News & Analysis

SCOOP Celebrates 10 Years

Longtime GIJN member SCOOP, based in Denmark, is a cross-border network of investigative journalists who help fund projects, connect reporters for collaboration, and organize conferences and trainings. On SCOOP’s 10th anniversary, our colleagues there put together an impressive list of activities, awards, and events, which we’re reprinting here in full.