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Amnesty International

9 posts
NYPD CCTV camera surveillance

News & Analysis

How Thousands of Volunteers & Amnesty International Mapped New York’s 15,000 Police Surveillance Cameras

The New York City Police Department has the ability to track people in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Bronx by running images from 15,280 surveillance cameras into invasive and discriminatory facial recognition software, a new Amnesty International investigation reveals. Here’s how thousands of volunteers from around the world participated in the investigation.

Editor’s Pick: 2020’s Best Investigative Stories from Bangladesh

In this year’s GIJN’s Editor’s Pick series, Bangla editor Miraj Chowdhury writes that, despite many free speech and coronavirus-related challenges, there are numerous examples of important journalistic investigations taking place in the region. Here are some of the stories that mattered the most in 2020 for the 215 million Bangla speakers around the world.

News & Analysis

What We’re Reading: Facebook’s Original Reporting Algorithm, Academic and Journalism Collaborations, and the Race Problem in Europe’s Newsrooms

This week’s Friday 5, where we round up our favorite reads from around the online world in English, includes a recent algorithm change on Facebook’s News Feed that will boost original news stories, lessons learned on an academic and investigative journalism collaboration, and European media’s race problem.


Essential Reading

Full guide here. العربية Below we highlight the most critical sources for understanding trafficking, forced labor and irregular migration issues in the MENA region. Human Rights Reporting and News Human Rights Watch: HRW has produced multi-lingual reporting on the situation of migrant workers and domestic workers in the MENA region since the 2000s. Reports feature […]


Advanced Guide on Verifying Video Content

Verifying video materials should be a routine part of reporting, but knowing how to use the digital tools to verify fake content is just one part of the skill. The creative techniques behind video verification are even more important.