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2859 posts


GIJC21 Resources

Here are the tipsheets and presentations shared by speakers at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in 2021. Data Sessions

Guide Resource

Covering the Extractive Industries

Mineral extraction plays a dominant role in many economies and in the lives of billions of people. How can reporters dig into the benefits and costs? 

Guide Resource

Researching Corporations and Their Owners

This resource was last updated in 2023 by GIJN’s Toby McIntosh and Emily O’Sullivan. Investigative journalists play a crucial role in holding corporations to account, and have revealed labor abuses, environmental violations, corporate impunity and other instances of malpractice through deep-dives into companies and their owners. However, government records on corporations often reveal only the […]


Working with Whistleblowers

Whistleblowers – insiders who expose corrupt or illegal activities – are an important source of information for journalists everywhere. From their position inside governments, companies, and other organizations, they can provide crucial leads, evidence, and sometimes “smoking guns” that expose everything from fraud and waste to criminal conspiracies and war crimes. It’s important for journalists […]

Chapter Guide Resource

Social Search Techniques Using Facebook

Internet research expert Hank van Ess offers his tips for navigating the social media site Facebook from his forthcoming guide to open source researching online.