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12 posts


GIJC23 Resources

Here are the tipsheets and presentations shared by speakers at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in 2023.


GIJC19 Resources

Here are the tipsheets and presentations shared by speakers at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in 2019.


AIJC18 Resources

Here are the tipsheets and presentations shared by speakers at the Asian Investigative Journalism Conference in 2018.


GIJC17 Resources

Here are the tipsheets and presentations shared by speakers at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in 2017.


ACIJ16 Resources

Here are the tipsheets and presentations shared by speakers at the Asian Investigative Journalism Conference in 2016.


GIJC15 Resources

Here are the tipsheets and presentations shared by speakers at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in 2015.


AIJC14 Resources

Here are the tipsheets and presentations shared by speakers at the Asian Investigative Journalism Conference in 2014.


GIJC13 Resources

Here are the tipsheets and presentations shared by speakers at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in 2013.

Digital Threats: A Cyber Investigations Training Course thumbnail

Teaching & Training

Digital Threats: A Cyber Investigations Training Course

GIJN is offering a unique cyber reporting training program specifically tailored for investigative reporters. The course is free and limited to 20 participants. It will take place each Monday and Thursday for six consecutive weeks at 10 am EDT, starting on May 08, 2023. Apply here.

Send Us Your Session Ideas for GIJC23!

The 2023 Global Investigative Journalism Conference is scheduled for September 19-22 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Designed by journalists for journalists, GIJC23 will feature cutting-edge panels, workshops, and networking sessions, ranging from cross-border collaboration and corruption tracking to advanced data analysis. Here’s an opportunity for you to propose great ideas on compelling panels, workshops, and other presentations.