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travel grants

4 posts

Reporting Tools & Tips

How Not to Win a Journalism Grant

Journalists are not usually in the frame of mind for grants. They pitch their story to an editor, the editor says “no” or “yes” and they get to work. But drafting a grant application is a somewhat complex technique. Here is a list of mistakes that tend to kill many fledgling journalistic projects before they even stand a chance.

Sponsor a Muckraker: Help Us Send Journalists to Lillehammer

Here’s your chance to support the global spread of investigative journalism. We need your help to sponsor dozens of journalists from developing and transitioning countries to come to the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Norway this October 8-11.

News & Analysis

IPYS Launches Travel Grants to Rio for Latin American Journos

The Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS), one of the three partner organizations behind the Global Investigative Journalism Conference, has launched a fellowship program for journalists to attend the Latin American Conference on Investigative Journalism (COLPIN) in Rio de Janeiro (October 12-15). For the first time COLPIN will be held simultaneously with the Global Conference, as well as with the national congress of ABRAJI, Brazil’s investigative journalism association.

The fellowships are part of the 4th Advanced Course for Investigative Journalism, co-organized between IPYS and Transparency International. A group of 12 journalists from across Latin America will be selected after proposing projects on organized crime in the region.


22 Fellowships and Grants for Investigative Journalists

Seeking a chance to improve your skills and expand your world? Tired of the everyday routine in your newsroom? We’ve updated our guide to grants and fellowships of special interest to investigative journalists around the world. There are plenty of short-term and long-term opportunities, both for staff and freelance reporters. Follow the links for information on deadlines and background on the various programs.