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3 posts


Tips for Working in Oman

Full guide here. العربية | বাংলা Media Environment Oman’s constitution guarantees freedom of expression, but with strong limitations. The 1984 Press and Publications law further outlines the restrictions on journalism and journalists in the country and explicitly prohibits defamation of the ruling family. It is common practice for journalists to self-censor to avoid threats, fines and […]


Statistics and Studies: Where is the Data?

Full guide here. العربية Data on human trafficking, forced labor and irreegular migration is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Incidents are reported regularly, but this information tends to be scattered across media outlets, government reports and the publications of civil society organizations. For journalists willing to put in the hours, rich data can […]


A Guide to Reporting on the Gulf Arab Countries

Over 11 million migrant workers work in the six Middle Eastern countries — Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman. Journalists attempting to investigate human trafficking and forced labor in the region have faced many challenges. GIJN, in collaboration with human rights organizations, is launching this first bilingual guide to teach journalists best practices, tools and steps in reporting on human trafficking and forced labor in the Gulf region.