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nonprofit media

4 posts

News & Analysis

How a Canadian Newsroom Launched a Co-Op to Save Itself from Bankruptcy

After the group that owned half of Quebec’s daily newspapers went bust, Canada’s Le Soleil newspaper was part of a group that created Canada’s largest newsroom cooperative, counting on the support of their readers and their own staff to ensure their survival. One year on, and despite the COVID-19 pandemic, they are thriving.

News & Analysis

How to Minimize the Impact of COVID-19 on Your Media Business

Media managers, editors, and publishers understandably may be feeling powerless at the threat posed to media businesses globally by the coronavirus. Harlan Mandel, chief executive officer at the Media Development Investment Fund, recommends steps news executives can take to limit the losses they are facing and to give direction to their business decisions.

News & Analysis

Nonprofit Targets Young People with “New Digital Narratives”

Memetic Media, a nonprofit organization in Paraguay, has brought together three journalistic projects — Kurtural, El Surtidor and Fotociclo — that bring innovative elements to the production and presentation of investigations,reporting and urban photojournalism to engage a young, neglected audience.

Making the Nonprofit Media Model Work Around the World

Krautreporter proved it: donation-financed journalism is possible. Not only in the United States, but also in Germany – and possibly everywhere. It started a campaign for its own online magazine for in-depth journalism with experienced writers. Within one month it raised around 1 million Euros (about US$1.1 million). But 19% of this money was gone the moment it was raised. Devoured by sales tax.