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3 posts

Reporting Tools & Tips

10 Tips for Creating a Successful Membership Organization

There are no silver bullets, no hard-and-fast rules, no magic answers to running a membership-driven news organization. It takes a lot of effort, coordination and putting members at the core of everything. Media consultant Tim Griggs shares 10 essential ingredients for making it work.

Reporting Tools & Tips

Audience Development Essentials for Journalists

Likes in your social network, praises from friends or numbers of clicks aren’t enough to drive an audience development strategy. Here’s what every independent news media organization needs to know about creating expertise in audience development that will help you measure and maximize your reach.


Tools for Measuring Your Group’s Audience and Impact

As news publishers, it’s tempting to think of our analytics like the weather: they just happen to us. But it doesn’t have to be that way. By tracking our readers’ behavior and understanding what makes them act a certain way or click on a certain page, we can better understand how to recreate or manipulate their behavior the next time around. The following is a comprehensive list of tools to give you incredible insight into your readership.