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78 posts

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Investigating Social Media: Telegram, Twitter, & WhatsApp

This workshop might just emerge as the one that changes your life as a watchdog journalist. Misinformation and disinformation on “closed” social media networks — such as WhatsApp and Telegram – have already had devastating consequences for democratic processes in places like India, Nigeria, Russia, and Brazil. At first glance, some platforms may seem impenetrable, […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Investigating Elections

Covering elections as a political “horse race” has never been enough. This approach to campaign reporting is even more inadequate today, as autocrats and would-be autocrats use electoral systems to seize and dismantle the guardrails of democracies. Independent media and watchdog journalists have a vital role to play. It is key to dig beneath the […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Climate: Investigating Impacts

The impacts of climate change everywhere. But how to do in-depth reporting on the widespread human costs — both immediate and longer-term? Speakers from Asia, Africa, and Europe will discuss how to cover topics such as sea level rise, heat, drought, and extreme weather with an eye to the impact on humanity and the environment. […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – When the Data Aren’t There: Building Your Own Datasets

Think there’s no data in your story? Create your own. Journalists can use polls, physical surveys, documents, or even monitoring devices to create their own data. We’ll give you examples of how these techniques are used and some best practices for doing it yourself. ———————– The Global Investigative Journalism Network is an international association of […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Using Social Network Analysis for Investigations

This session will provide an overview of social network analysis, which is used to visualize and analyze such things as the connections between companies and individuals in organized crime and money laundering, the paths and progress of infections in pandemics, interlocking directorships of corporations, and the structure of terrorist organizations. ———————– The Global Investigative Journalism […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Finding Stories in Documents: Text Analysis for Investigative Reporting

This session will address how to convert unstructured data (documents) into structured data that can be filtered, summarized, and visualized. ———————– The Global Investigative Journalism Network is an international association of journalism organizations that support the training and sharing of information among investigative and data journalists—with special attention to those from repressive regimes and marginalized […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Climate: Investigating Causes

Hear from some of the world’s most imaginative climate change journalists. Mongabay’s Rhett Ayers Butler presides over a newsroom producing a constant stream of articles on climate change worldwide. Elisângela Mendonça recently has connected the production of the anti-aging cure collagen with deforestation in Brazil. Emilio Godoy’s multi-faceted portfolio includes investigations of gas leaks and […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Plenary: Watchdog Journalism in the Age of Digital Subversion (keynote)

Our keynote speaker this year is Ron Deibert, director of the groundbreaking Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto. Deibert was among the first to sound the alarm about a global information security crisis — warning that the digital revolution would spark a new era of surveillance, censorship, and disinformation. Deibert’s interdisciplinary team at Citizen […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Podcasts: Producing the Investigative Podcast

Podcast listening in Brazil and Indonesia, two of the world’s top markets, has followed a global surge in listeners turning to the intimacy of podcasting and streaming audio, when and where they want. Come meet three journalists and producers who have both led the way in their countries, and collaborated in true GIJN fashion. Join […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – How AI Can Save Small Newsrooms

Do you have too little time to do investigative stories? Try L-ai-la, the new AI research assistant, trained to find news fit to print. (You may be both lazy & forgetful, but Laila never misses a story.) Is this about GPT4? Generative AI? No, forget about it. We are talking about LHF (the LowHangingFruit AI […]