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Implant Files

2 posts

Reporting Tools & Tips

My Favorite Tools: Fabiola Torres

For our series about journalists’ favorite tools, we spoke with Fabiola Torres of Salud Con Lupa. She told GIJN’s Gaelle Faure all about the tools that help her carry out cross-border investigations into public health, including tools to find data as well as to analyze and visualize it.

Case Studies

A Lesson in Investigative Reporting from ICIJ’s Implant Files

When Washington, DC-based journalist Scilla Alecci began investigating a story that would later become part of the Implant Files, she hit a brick wall: Hospitals in India wouldn’t answer her phone calls. So she took the advice of an Indian colleague and booked a flight over. Together, they started knocking on doors all over the country, leading them to unexpected discoveries.