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2 posts

Data Journalism

GIJN’s Data Journalism Top 10: Populism Quiz, EU Fact-Checking, Twitter Data, GitHub 101

What’s the global data journalism community tweeting about this week? Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from March 18 to 24 finds a collection of beautiful news graphics by Megan Jaegerman curated by statistician @EdwardTufte, @tagesanzeiger’s quiz testing readers’ level of populist leanings, a new collaborative fact-checking effort by the name of @FactcheckEU, and @briromer’s interesting piece on maps that break strict geography rules.

Data Journalism Methodology Reporting Tools & Tips

On the Ethics of Web Scraping and Data Journalism

Web scraping is a way to extract information presented on websites. As I explained it in the first installment of this article, web scraping is used by many companies. It’s also a great tool for reporters who know how to code, since more and more public institutions publish their data on their websites.
With web scrapers, which are also called “bots,” it’s possible to gather large amounts of data for stories. But what are the ethical rules that reporters have to follow while web scraping?