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Gates Foundation

2 posts

Case Studies

The Balancing Act of Donor-Funded Journalism: A Case Study from South Africa

What started out in 2013 as a small donor-funded health journalism center situated inside a legacy newspaper in South Africa has transformed into a staff of 10, and 15 regular contributors across the continent. Today, Bhekisisa consistently produces impactful reports which help to influence policy and decision making, set agendas and define conversations.

Data Journalism

This Week’s Top Ten in Data Journalism

What’s the global data journalism community tweeting about this week? Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from October 23 to 29 has @fedfragapane and @piaaaac visualizing six asylum seekers’ routes, @Recode breaking down the Gates Foundation’s philanthropic contributions by category and @lisacrost offering tips on how to choose a color palette for choropleth maps.