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3 posts
when to green light an investigative pitch

Investigative Techniques Methodology

When to Greenlight an Investigative Pitch — or End the Project?

Committing to a long-term investigation — also known as “greenlighting” — does not always involve a specific moment of decision. At IRE23, GIJN spoke with five veteran investigative editors to ask them what information they need before giving a project the the go-ahead.

Methodology News & Analysis

9 Tips for Investigative Journalists to Improve Their Writing

From respecting that different journalists have different styles of reporting to using voices from the field to tell the story, and from keeping it simple with clear language to just ‘getting started,’ here are tips from two experienced reporters for the write-up stage of an investigation.

Resource Tipsheet

Basic Data Journalism Tips for Editors

At the NICAR22 conference in Atlanta, Georgia, journalism trainer MaryJo Webster offered a series of basic tips for editors who have little to no data analysis skills.