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5 posts
Uber Files secret access

Data Journalism

Data Journalism Top 10: Uber Files, A New Notre-Dame, Saudi Sportswashing, Boris Johnson’s Legacy

The Uber Files leak contains reams of data and documents that detail the inner workings of the ride-hailing company, and has led to a global investigation into the firm’s practices. Also in this week’s edition of the top 10 stories in data journalism, we look at the dubious legacy of the UK’s scandal-hit leader Boris Johnson, the reconstruction of Notre-Dame cathedral, and the widespread epidemic of US gun violence.


AI Journalism Lessons from a 150-Year-Old Argentinian Newspaper

For newsrooms looking to deepen their understanding of how artificial intelligence could be used for investigative reporting, the 150-year-old Argentinian newspaper La Nación is blazing a trail and has produced a diverse range of stories assisted by AI technologies and has created an AI lab.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

Here are the hottest data journalism tweets for Jan 9-15, per our NodeXL mapping: DIY graphs (@nytgraphics); identifying megaregions (@undertheraedar); data reporting (@albertocairo); dataviz without data (@ddjournalism); colorizing images (@waseda_univ); Swiss climate shifts (@duc_qn); & more.