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data driven journalism

97 posts

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top links for April 19-25: Amazon delivery & race (@business); Cartodb.js map (@maartenzam); ICIJ slides (@cabralens); SRF data GITHUB (@SRF); France immigrant dataviz (@data_match); Flint’s water (@nytimes); and more.

Data Journalism Reporting Tools & Tips

A Data Journalism Expert’s Personal Toolkit

People regularly ask what tools to use or what programming language to learn for data-driven journalism (ddj). There is no right answer for it, especially considering that technology and tools available are evolving quickly in the field.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top links for April 2-11: Behind the Panama Papers Investigation (@ICIJorg, @SZ); Best #ddj on taxes (@OKFN); Spies in the Sky (@BuzzFeed); EU Data Journalism Manifesto (@medium); World scientific collaboration (@storybench); & more.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top links for March 20- April 1: ddj without borders (@Maid_Marianne); time-lapses basics (@vimeo); Berlin bikelanes (@morgenpost); data ebook (@jonathanstray); North Korea missiles (@bbc); death penalty stats (@guardian); and more.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top links for March 14-21: undercovered stories (@JigsawTeam); NICAR links (@MacDiva); Madrid conference (@JPDatos); podcasts (@carlapedret); GEN Awards (@GENinnovate); R for annotations (@hrbrmstr); German elections (@zeitonline).

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top links for Mar. 3-8: designing lists (@edwardtufte); Zurich streets (@NZZ); Lesbos journey (@washingtonpost); Google Maps storytelling (@GoogleNewsLab); German bridges (@SPIEGELONLINE); data science guides (@KirkDBorne); and more.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top links for Feb. 23-Mar. 1: earthdata search (@ddjournalism); Hyblab #ddj projects (@hyblab); Is data journalism for everybody?; a city transformation in 3D (@LeTelegramme); Spanish data presentation (@cabralens); & more.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top links for Feb. 16-22: terrorism & tourism (@SPIEGELONLINE); time-series (@edwardtufte); fellowships (@schoolofdata); ISIS’s cultural destruction (@wef); profiling refugees (@data_match); French agri-crisis (@LeTelegramme); & more.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top links for Feb. 10-15: refugee crisis (@EJOnews); Africa ddj academy (@code4africa); School of Data fellowships (@schoolofdata); data sketching (@jawalnut); visualizing femicides (@ddjournalism); Nigeria data site (@budgitng).