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audience development

5 posts

Reporting Tools & Tips

1,000 Fans: Focus on Quality Readers, Not Quantity

You don’t need a million casual readers — just 1,000 committed ones. And there are signs that the “1,000 true fans” theory holds approximately true across a wide range of journalism enterprises — sometimes it’s actually a thousand; other times it’s 400, 1,500, or 5,000.

Reporting Tools & Tips

Document of the Day: YouTube Video SEO Tips

If you host your investigative documentary or journalism video on YouTube, check out this useful graphic on YouTube SEO statistics created by tech enthusiast Saksham Kumar. Knowing the ranking factors that YouTube takes into account could give you ideas on how to optimize your video to reach the largest audience it can.

Reporting Tools & Tips

Lessons on Solving the Media Membership Puzzle

Membership programs are in a state of rapid evolution as more organizations see them as an imperative way to diversify revenue. The Membership Puzzle Project, a public research project into membership models, spoke to publishers around the world who have membership programs to find out what they have learned.

Reporting Tools & Tips

Audience Development Essentials for Journalists

Likes in your social network, praises from friends or numbers of clicks aren’t enough to drive an audience development strategy. Here’s what every independent news media organization needs to know about creating expertise in audience development that will help you measure and maximize your reach.