What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top links for Jan. 26-Feb.2: The NBA’s Curry (@fivethirtyeight); search Google like a Pro (@theguardian); gov’t black boxes (@El_Universal_Mx); Spain’s state cars (@elespanol); crimes by foreigners (@Datenblog112); and more.
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The investigative consortium EL CLIP developed a collaborative database, NINA, that empowers journalists to access public documents, contracts, and datasets across Latin America.
This investigation sought to answer key questions that no government could answer: What happens when someone goes missing at Europe’s borders? And how many burial sites are there across Europe?
Filipino journalist Jaemark Tordecilla explains how he made and refined a custom AI tool that makes it easier to report on public spending from budgets published online.
GIJN is proud to announce that it is the new administrator for the annual SIGMA data journalism awards, which are now accepting submissions for the 2025 round.