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Bruce Shapiro

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Bruce Shapiro is executive director of the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, a project of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism encouraging innovative reporting on violence, conflict and tragedy worldwide. He is also director of Columbia’s Professional Programs Division, and for 20 years has taught investigative reporting at Yale University.linkedInProfile

As an award-winning human-rights reporter, Shapiro is a contributing editor at The Nation and the U.S. correspondent for Late Night Live on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Radio National. His books include Shaking the Foundations: 200 Years of Investigative Journalism in America.

As a candidate for the new board in GIJN, he says:

I’ve been active in the leadership of GIJN since the beginning. I’ve been especially interested in ensuring that GIJN fulfills its mission as a truly global project, both strengthening local investigative organizations and nurturing powerful cross-border collaboration. This means focusing not just on the content we deliver at our conferences but on diversity in leadership and at all other levels; effective structures for governance; and combining short-term attainable goals with long-term strategy that strengthens our member organizations.

I’m interested in bringing to the GIJN board some of the lessons I’ve learned leading the Dart Center, which like GIJN began as a small, informal network and has grown into a global project with partners in many countries and regions.

I would like to nurture GIJN’s ability to particularly support those member organizations under threat. And I want to ensure that we encourage new membership by innovative investigative journalism organizations, while retaining GIJN’s core identity, mission and professional standards.

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