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Ukrainians protest Russian aggression

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Investigating Russia and the War in Ukraine

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, GIJN has published a series of stories and tipsheets for investigative journalists covering the war. This includes a wide range range of topics, from tracking Russian assets to investigating war crimes.

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Resources for Investigating Russia

Russia matters. A generation after the Cold War, Moscow still has thousands of nuclear weapons. By land mass, Russia is the world’s largest country, stretching from Europe to Asia and the Arctic, and it has influence over regional conflicts around the world — not just its disastrous invasion of Ukraine but in the Caucasus, Central […]

Chapter Guide Resource

Journalism Resources for Tracking Events in Ukraine

Following the news of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is difficult, especially if you’re not already extremely knowledgeable about the situation. So, Nieman Lab has compiled a resource list for journalists looking for reliable news coverage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.