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46 posts


Is It Really Investigative Reporting’s Golden Age?

There’s been much talk lately about the possibilities offered by new technologies in opening up restrictive regimes and democratizing the production of journalism. Are we living in a Golden Age of Global Muckraking?

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data driven journalism (#ddj) crowd tweeting about? Here are the week’s Top Data Journalism Links on Twitter (for October 10-16), including items from the Washington Post, Herodote, the BBC and more.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data driven journalism (#ddj) crowd tweeting about? Here are the week’s Top Data Journalism Links on Twitter (for October 3-9), including items from Forbes, Visualising Data, Le Temps, and more.


The Digital Switch: Citizen Journalism, Minority Coverage

Citizen reporters have played a notable role in journalism in developed countries such as France and the United States, and emerging markets such as China, India, Jordan, Estonia, and Nicaragua. Citizen reporters are using the internet, video, mobiles, and other digital tools to gather information, interview people, watch events, seek comments from experts, and publish their stories via blogs, videos, Wikipedia, and other platforms.


Journalism and Digital Times: Wider Reach and Sloppy Reporting

Digitization is one of the primary driving forces behind recent changes in journalism, including news values, professional ethics, workflows, working conditions, and newsroom management. The Mapping Digital Media study shows that digital media have not only changed journalism practices in developed countries but have also significantly shaped the way journalists work in emerging markets. Digital media bring opportunities, risks, and challenges to journalism. While digitization facilitates news gathering and dissemination, it does not necessarily foster better journalism. Plagiarism, lack of verification, and other unethical journalistic practices have increased alarmingly in many countries.


Mapping the World’s Digital Media

Digitization has been one of the main drivers behind the changing nature of journalism as it affected news values, professional ethics, workflows, working conditions and newsroom management. On the positive side, it tremendously improved access to information and dissemination channels, but is this ever-more-connected world a better place for independent journalism? The digital switch-over has produced an unprecedented crisis in the supply of public interest journalism— in journalism that is independent, contextual, accountable, and relevant to citizenship.