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Oleg Khomenok


Oleg Khomenok is member of GIJN’s Board of Directors, and a Senior Media Adviser at Internews Network. He has over 25 years of experience in journalism, media education and managing investigative reporting and media support projects in the post-Soviet media environment. Oleg has been involved in establishing and managing SCOOP projects in Ukraine and Belarus since 2003, and has extensive experience consulting, coordinating and supporting the networking of investigative reporters. He is the co-founder of the Crimean Information and Press Center and the Regional Press Development Institute, two Ukrainian members of GIJN.

Over the past decade Oleg has conducted dozens of journalism training sessions in investigative journalism techniques and strategies for investigative reporters in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Moldova and other countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia. As coordinator of the award-winning, Oleg worked with a team of Ukrainian reporters who collected tens of thousands of financial documents from the former Ukrainian president, rescuing and publishing them online.

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