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Sheikh Sabiha Alam

Bangla Editor
Sheikh Sabiha Alam is a Nieman fellow (class of 2023), and worked for 14 years at Prothom Alo, the largest Bengali daily in Bangladesh, before joining the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN). During her tenure at Prothom Alo, she served as an assistant editor and wrote columns for a year. Prior to her editorial role, she extensively covered various topics including human rights, terrorism, crime, health, and child rights. Beginning her career as a cub reporter at The Daily Star, she later worked as a correspondent at BBC Bangla Service.
She won UNICEF’s Meena Media award four times, and also won a Press Trust of India award for her academic perfomances at the Indian Institute of Mass Communication(IIMC). Besides these, Dhaka Metropolitan Police awarded her reporting on countering violent extremism.