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656 posts Search results for ukraine

Международная награда «Проливая свет»

Эта уникальная награда присуждается Глобальной сетью журналистов-расследователей за журналистские расследования  в развивающихся странах или странах с переходной экономикой, в ходе которых автор подвергался угрозам, лишению свободы или другим тяжелым испытаниям.

GIJN Welcomes Seven New Members from Six Countries

The Global Investigative Journalism Network is delighted to welcome seven new member organizations, including first-time representation from Malawi and Ireland. Among them are investigative units from Ukraine and Slovenia, an Irish investigative fund, and a collaborative U.S. site specializing in Freedom of Information requests. The new members bring GIJN’s membership to 145 groups in 62 countries.

News & Analysis

Panama Papers Reporters Face Global Backlash

Even as the Panama Papers disclosures have sparked almost 150 official investigations in at least 76 countries, they have also provoked pushback from individuals and governments displeased with revelations of the hidden economic holdings of the global elite. Politicians, business executives and thousands of their supporters have responded with vitriol, threats, cyber attacks and lawsuits. But one of the benefits of collaboration is the way journalists can band together to overcome these issues.

News & Analysis

UN Report: “The Assault on Reporting”

On Wednesday, the UN and press freedom groups worldwide will mark International Day to End Impunity, commemorated since 2014 to highlight the glaring number of unresolved journalists’ murders and the lack of punishment for their perpetrators. As part of a series to mark the occasion, GIJN is pleased to excerpt “The Assault on Reporting” from a new report by David Kaye, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression.

Global Conference, Global Network

As we gather for the second Asian Investigative Journalism Conference, this seems a good time to share again with our colleagues where the Global Investigative Journalism Network and its conferences come from. It was a simple idea at the end of the 20th century — to gather the world’s investigative journalists to share their knowledge with each other — that gave birth to GIJN, which has now grown to 138 member organizations in 62 countries.

News & Analysis

What Makes Governments Resistant to Coups? Transparency.

The relationship between transparency and political stability in democracies is simple: More transparency means more stable democratic rule. As transparency rises, democratically elected leaders are less likely to be ousted through extra-constitutional methods like a coup. In non-democracies the situation is more complicated. But greater transparency still means fewer coups.

Data Journalism Methodology Reporting Tools & Tips

Getting Started in Online, Open-Source Investigations

At First Draft, we frequently receive emails from a whole range of people asking how they can start doing the sort of online open-source investigation and verification that they’ve seen us doing. The skills and methodologies used are all something that can be learnt through a little persistence, but here are a few pieces of advice to get you started.

Member Profiles

Inside “Empire of Ashes”: Exposing Paraguay’s President as a Smuggler

Mauri König is a Brazilian investigative reporter. Last October, at the Global Investigative Conference in Lillehammer, König shared first place in the Global Shining Light Awards for his investigation “Empire of Ashes” on tobacco smuggling in Latin America. In this interview, Konig shares his views on what it’s like to uncover illicit interests involving the president of a country while working in a highly dangerous environment.

Data Journalism

Open Sources, Big Opportunity for Truth

Facebook and Google and their humongous data crunching machines flourish while fine media wilt. How to compete? They take media’s original costly-to-produce-content for free and make it available to users to circulate, anticipating their needs with their intelligent algorithms.

News & Analysis

Do Russian Media Get a Boost from Bots on Twitter?

Hundreds of what appear to be Twitter bots are artificially inflating the retweet and favorite counts of tweets with links to articles from some of Russia’s top news agencies. Lawrence Alexander discovered that these same fake accounts have previously mass-posted links to scores of pro-Kremlin LiveJournal blogs—themselves part of a network of thousands. In this piece, which originally appeared on Global Voices, Alexander walks us through his research process.

News & Analysis

A Global Assault on Nonprofits

In an era of increasing hostility to independent media, one of the bright spots is the rapid expansion of journalism nonprofits around the world — training, promoting, and reporting on stories that otherwise would never see the light of day. But a dangerous trend now threatens the progress our colleagues have made on press freedom and watchdog reporting: a crackdown on nonprofit organizations. Restrictions on international funding account for more than a third of the measures since 2012. With that in mind, we are pleased to reprint this important story from the Journal of Democracy, detailing the global scope of the backlash.

News & Analysis

The Pentagon, Propaganda, and Independent Media

Gone are the days of complaints about information operations and psychological operations (PSYOPS) undermining media development being pursued by USAID and its contractors. But those have been replaced by broader concerns that the U.S government overall may now be too focused on counter-messaging at the expense of independent media development. “We are concerned that there is an increasing shift away from supporting genuinely independent media towards what might be termed counter-propaganda and promoting counter narratives,” says James Deane, director of policy and learning at BBC Media Action.

Reporting Tools & Tips

Research Desk: Databases on Land, Nazis, African Mining

We’re back from the wonderful Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Lillehammer with a new roundup of resources for you. Thanks to everyone who came to and shared the presentation I did there with Margot Williams of The Intercept, 100 Best Databases for Internet Research. You can find links to all the resources that Margot and I talked about in this post.

News & Analysis

Int’l Day To End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists

There is a war on journalism around the world, and those attacking us are literally getting away with murder. Over the past decade more than 700 journalists have been killed — and less than one in ten of those cases have been solved. On average, a journalist is killed every five days while practicing his or her profession. Join your colleagues this November 2 for International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists. There will be events around the world spearheaded by UNESCO, the UN agency with a mandate to defend freedom of expression and press freedom.

Stories from East Europe, Brazil Win Shining Light Award

Winners of the sixth Global Shining Light Award were announced at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference tonight in Lillehammer, Norway. The prize honors investigative journalism conducted in a developing or transitioning country, done under threat, duress, or in the direst of conditions. The award drew 76 submissions received from 34 countries, for stories published or broadcast between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2014.

12 Finalists Named for Global Shining Light Award

Twelve extraordinary stories from 12 countries are finalists in the sixth Global Shining Light Award, a unique prize which honors investigative journalism in a developing or transitioning country, done under threat, duress, or in the direst of conditions. The winners will be announced and presented at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference this October 10 in Lillehammer, Norway.

New Members: GIJN Adds Eight Nonprofits from Five Countries

We’re proud to announce that eight organizations have joined the Global Investigative Journalism Network. This brings GIJN’s membership to 118 organizations in 54 countries. Our new members include groups that support investigative reporting based in Eastern Europe (Hungary’s Direkt36, Montenegro’s Center for Investigative Journalism, and Ukraine’s Slidstvo and Svidomo), the United States (Internews, ProPublica, and Public Herald), and Italy (DataNinja).

Making the Nonprofit Media Model Work Around the World

Krautreporter proved it: donation-financed journalism is possible. Not only in the United States, but also in Germany – and possibly everywhere. It started a campaign for its own online magazine for in-depth journalism with experienced writers. Within one month it raised around 1 million Euros (about US$1.1 million). But 19% of this money was gone the moment it was raised. Devoured by sales tax.


The Research Desk: Drones, Cool Tools, Green Companies

The latest tools and resources from the Research Desk: new world of drones databases available, reports from the European Parliament Research Service, Top Green Companies in the World 2015, a handy free extension to download entire pages or individual files, and more.

News & Analysis

Press Freedom: The Dark Cloud Gathering Over Europe

As we mark this year’s World Press Freedom Day, the memory of the attack at the Charlie Hebdo office in Paris hangs in the air. So, too, do the shootings in Copenhagen, where a cartoonist was again among the targets. So far 2015 has not been much of a friend to freedom of expression. I’m afraid that I do not have good news: across the full length of our continent, media freedom is now under threat.

GIJN Joins OSCE in Call for Release of Crimean Centre Editor Kokorina

The Global Investigative Journalism Network joins OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović in calling for the immediate release of Natalya Kokorina, an editor with GIJN member Crimean Centre for Investigative Journalism. Ms. Kokorina was detained today by authorities in Crimea.

GIJN Welcomes Seven New Members from Six Countries

Seven journalism organizations from six countries are the latest groups to join the Global Investigative Journalism Network. This increases GIJN’s membership to a record 114 organizations in 53 countries. Please join us in welcoming our newest members!

News & Analysis

21st Century Muckraking: Investigative Reporting Unleashed

During the first decade of the 21st century, a transformation in journalism began in Europe and spread to other continents. A movement in the use of data for investigations has helped lead to a resurgence of investigative reporting and has spurred the creation of small online newsrooms, as well as non-profit journalism. As ever, the conundrum of paying for it remains.