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Senior Media Lead, Information & Media Practice

IREX is a global development and education organization. We strive for a more just, prosperous, and inclusive world—where individuals reach their full potential, governments serve their people, and communities thrive. With a projected annual portfolio of more than $150 million and more than 750 staff worldwide, we work with partners in more than 100 countries in four areas essential to progress: cultivating leaders, empowering youth, strengthening institutions, and increasing access to quality education and information.

The Senior Media Lead (SML) will lead and drive management activities within the Civil Society and Media – Strengthened Together and Advancing in New Directions (CSM-STAND) initiative as well as to play a pivotal role in shaping our strategic vision and contributing to new business development in the realms of media and information access.

On the program management side, the SML will be accountable for the successful operation of all IREX CSM-STAND funded projects (Associate Awards), as well as responsible for managing the programs financial information, developing strategic initiatives, and staff’s time allocation. They will be responsible for setting up sustainable systems for successful start-up and strategic reporting to donors.

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