U.S. Right to Know: Investigative Reporter
U.S. Right to Know is seeking an investigative reporter to join an investigation into the origins of Covid-19, and gain-of-function and other high-risk virological research, including the collection, storage and manipulation of pathogens of pandemic potential.
The reporter will use public records laws to obtain and then report on relevant documents and data. They may also write articles about news developments as they occur.
U.S. Right to Know is a nonprofit public health research group. We investigate corporate wrongdoing and government failures that threaten our health, environment or food system.
Since 2015, we have gathered, reported on and posted online, thousands of industry and government documents, including many acquired through judicial enforcement of open records laws. Once-secret documents obtained by USRTK are now posted in the UCSF food and chemical industry documents libraries for free public access.
Since 2020, we have written more than 80 original news articles about Covid origins and high-risk virological research. Our findings from these investigations have been covered in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Science, the BMJ, Journal of Medical Ethics and many other outlets across the world.