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1247 posts Search results for russia

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Best Investigations on Russia’s War on Ukraine

The challenges for journalists covering Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are massive — from the obvious dangers of reporting on the ground amid an armed conflict, to trying to investigate during a state of emergency, where disinformation is widespread and independent media is either banned or barely tolerated. In this panel, we bring together three senior […]

Resource Video

GIJC23 – Resources for Investigating Russia

Russia matters. A generation after the Cold War, Moscow still has thousands of nuclear weapons. By land mass, Russia is the world’s largest country, stretching from Europe to Asia and the Arctic, and it has influence over regional conflicts around the world — not just its disastrous invasion of Ukraine but in the Caucasus, Central […]

data journalism AR-15 history visualization wound

Data Journalism Data Journalism Top 10

Data Journalism Top 10: AR-15 Gun Violence, US Mortality, Water Scarcity, Russian Atrocities

In this week’s Data Journalism Top 10, The Washington Post did a 10-story deep dive on issues related to gun violence and the deadly AR-15 weapon after yet another school shooting. Our weekly roundup also features a look at global water scarcity hotspots, Russian war atrocities, and the enduring appeal of British television shows.

data journalism organ donation rules change The Markup

Data Journalism Data Journalism Top 10

Data Journalism Top 10: Organ Donations, EU Drug Use, Layoffs Language, and Russian Censorship

GIJN’s weekly curation of the most popular data journalism stories on Twitter features a look the impact of changes to organ donation rules in the US, drug usage in Europe based on wastewater analysis, a text analysis of layoff memos written by tech industry chief executives, and an examination of protests across Russia in 2022.

Data Journalism Data Journalism Top 10

Data Journalism Top 10: Lawmaker Insider Trading, Queen Elizabeth’s Money, Celebratory Gunfire, Russian Bomb Shelters

From stories examing potential conflicts of interest among lawmakers in Peru and the US, to a data story revealing the history of Queen Elizabeth II’s portrait on banknotes worldwide, our column features the best in data journalism. Also this week: the dangers of so-called celebratory gunfire, displacement in the Democratic Repubilc of Congo, and how the war in Ukraine has impacted children living in institutional care.