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1410 posts Search results for Corruption

News & Analysis Débuter dans le journalisme d'investigation

Exposer la corruption au Malawi : 10 questions à Golden Matonga

#AfricaFocusWeek Du 18 au 24 novembre 2024, GIJN met en lumière le journalisme d’investigation en Afrique. Dans cette interview “10 questions à”, Benon Herbert Oluka, responsable Afrique subsaharienne de GIJN, s’entretient avec Golden Matonga, responsable des enquêtes de la Plateforme pour le journalisme d’investigation – Malawi, au sujet de sa carrière dans la lutte contre la corruption.

Past event

International Anti-Corruption Conference 2024
18–21 June 2024

Information ↗

Database Resource

Resources on Corruption

Featuring tools from OCCRP and Transparency International, plus the OpenCorporates database, this list contains key resources for reporters investigating corruption.

News & Analysis

Annual Transparency Index Links Corruption with Increased Violence Globally

GIJN’s Document of the Day: The 2022 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) from Transparency International concludes that 95% of countries have made little to no progress fighting corruption since 2017, and notes the link between corruption and increased violence around the world.


Video Resources for Investigating Organized Crime and Corruption

To share investigative best practices and other lessons learned from our most recent conference, GIJC21, we are releasing a series of videos from the event’s many seminars, panels, and workshops. The first installment in this series focuses on how investigative reporters can better dig into organized crime and corruption around the world.

News & Analysis

Document of the Day: US Global Anti-Corruption Plan Spotlights Value of Investigative Journalism

The Biden White House spotlighted its support for investigative journalism as part of a new strategy for fighting corruption around the world. To strengthen the investigative capacity of journalists, it is funding the USAID’s PROSAFE project, helping to “create a regional clearinghouse for investigative journalism that provides a publishing outlet for stories too dangerous to be published with an individual byline, and providing an umbrella organization for security, mentoring, and collaboration among journalists.”

GIJC21, corruption story

Reporting Tools & Tips

Tips for Investigating When Governments Shield Crime and Corruption

In a session on high-level corruption at #GIJC21, a panel of reporters from Liberia, Ukraine, Sudan, Russia, and Lebanon suggested a series of strategies that can pry facts from obstinate government agencies, find whistleblowers, and deliver alternate forms of accountability for officials seemingly above the law.

Data Journalism

Data Journalism Top 10: The Taliban’s March, Border Walls Quadruple, Kenyan Corruption, White Men Like the Office

Two decades after US-led troops invaded Afghanistan to topple the Taliban regime, the organization has retaken control of the country. Our NodeXL mapping from August 9 to 15, found an animated map by the Financial Times showing how the Taliban captured various districts across the country before surging into the capital Kabul earlier this week. In this edition, we also feature an investigation into America’s diabetes crisis by Reuters, a look into Lionel Messi’s legacy at Barcelona by The Economist, and a piece on the history of data journalism by the Guardian.

Forbidden Stories' Pegasus Project exposé

Safety & Security

Pegasus Project Reveals Added Risks for Corruption Reporters

The digital security risk to investigative journalism was reaffirmed this month with the release of the Pegasus Project. This involved collaborative reporting by 17 global media outlets on a list of thousands of leaked phone numbers allegedly selected for possible surveillance by government clients of Israeli firm NSO Group. At least 180 journalists are implicated as targets. It also sheds light on four chilling cases profile here.

News & Analysis

Insider Access to Chinese Vaccines: A Case Study in Pandemic Corruption from Peru

In a scandal known as ‘Vacunagate,’ 487 influential people in Peru, including its president, were secretly inoculated against COVID-19 months before vaccines were approved for the public. Two investigative newsrooms in Peru found that Chinese drug makers had secretly sent thousands of ‘courtesy’ vaccine doses to several countries in South America in addition to the doses needed for clinical trials there. Editors from both told GIJN how reporters can tackle this new form of corruption.

News & Analysis

What We’re Reading: Google Mobility Reports, Pegasus Spyware for Virus Tracking, Justice for Jan Kuciak, COVID Corruption

This week’s Friday 5, where we round up our favorite reads from around the online world in English, includes the launch of Google’s Community Mobility Reports that track social distancing trends in 131 countries, how the group behind Pegasus spyware created software for COVID-19, and news that the man who murdered investigative journalist Jan Kuciak was sentenced to 23 years in prison.