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Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas

10 posts

GIJN Welcomes Seven New Member Organizations in Five Countries

The Global Investigative Journalism Network is delighted to welcome seven new member organizations based in five countries. We are particularly pleased to welcome our first member in Australia and our first representing Syrian journalists. The new groups bring GIJN’s global membership to 184 organizations in 77 countries.

News & Analysis

Does Your Newsroom Need a Product Manager?

In the midst of a slew of emerging newsroom titles, the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas is offering a free, four-week online product management for journalists course from October 16. Professor Cindy Royal talked to GIJN about the essential role many newsrooms didn’t even know they’d been missing.

News & Analysis

Abraji Turns 15, Launches Fight Against Impunity

Fifteen years ago, Abraji — the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism — was first formed. As they celebrate an impressive anniversary, Abraji is launching the ambitious Tim Lopes Project to help protect journalists under fire across Brazil.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

Here are the hottest data journalism tweets for Jan 2-8, per our NodeXL mapping: Twitter analysis tool (@MeCoDEM); free data course (@utknightcenter); data conferences (@albertocairo); Nobel Laureates (@ReutersGraphics); slopegraphs (@EdwardTufte); Boston subway (@msb5014); job (@FTcareers) & more.

Case Studies

Latin America: Tracking Illegal Trade in Artifacts

“Stolen Memory” is the investigation that led to the creation of the first journalistic platform that collects massive data on illicit trafficking of cultural artifacts from Latin American countries. It is a project of Peruvian digital investigative journalism site Ojo Público, which invited four important media in the region to participate in a transnational and collaborative investigation.

Data Journalism

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the Top Ten links for Jun 4-11: 60 Years of European World Cup Data (@elmundoes); 4 cheap ways to put ddj in newsrooms (@IJNet); ICIJ’s data team (@ICIJorg); events in Argentina (@HacksHackersBA) & Italy @Glocalnews); @knightfdn grants.

Why Journalism Education Faces a Worrisome Future

If you want to study journalism, you have more choices today, at lower cost, and of higher quality than ever. Sometimes you will get that at a university and sometimes not. That represents a challenge for universities. In a lecture at a journalism conference in Puebla, Mexico, I described a personal experience taking a course in data visualization from one of the world leaders in the field, Alberto Cairo, author of “The Functional Art.” This kind of course represents a major challenge for universities, because their monopoly on expertise and certification is eroding. Just as occurred in the news business, competitors are emerging who are offering attractive alternatives.