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Flowing Data

2 posts

Data Journalism News & Analysis

Data Journalism Top 10: Black Sea Blockade, Yemen Airstrikes, Hong Kong Shoebox Housing, Space Garbage

This week, GIJN’s roundup of the best in data journalism features an analysis of the impact of Russia’s Black Sea blockade on the global food chain, a deep dive into the US military’s role in aiding Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen, and a look at how different forms of inequality affect the lives of residents in Brussels, Belgium.


Improve Your Data Literacy: 16 Blogs to Follow in 2016

Data literacy is a never-ending process. Going to workshops and hands-on practice are important, but to really become acquainted with the “culture” of data literacy, you’ll have to do a lot of reading. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back: below is a curated list of 16 blogs to follow in 2016 if you want to: improve your data-visualisation skills; see the best examples of data journalism; discover the methodology behind the best data-driven projects; and pick-up some essential tips for working with data.